
Mali’s 1992 Constitution provides for a multiparty democracy.
Under Mali’s Constitution, the President is Head of State and Commander in Chief of the armed forces. The President is elected to a 5-years term, with a limit of two terms. The President appoints the Prime Minister as Head of Government. The President chairs the Council of Ministers, which adopts proposals for laws submitted to the National Assembly for approval.
The National Assembly is the sole legislative arm of the Government. It currently consists of 147 members. Representation is apportioned according to the population of administrative districts. Election is direct and by party or independent. The term of office of Members of Parliament is 5 years and is renewable.
The Supreme Court is the highest court of the judicial branch. It consists of 19 members organized into three civil chambers and a criminal chamber. The Constitutional Court consists of 9 members.

- Presidency of the Republic of Mali: (
- Prime Minister’s Office:(
- Ministry of Mining, Energy and Water:(
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and African Integration:(
- Ministry of Agriculture :(
- Ministry of Malians Abroad:(
- Ministry of Handicrafts, Culture, the Hotel Industry and Tourism:(
- Mali Touristic Promotion Agency:(
- API Mali:(
- Chamber of Trade and Industry of Mali:(
- Essor:(
- Embassy of Japan in Bamako:(