Communiqué from the Government of Mali on Prevention and response to the coronavirus epidemic
As stated in the communiqué, as of March 11th, 2020, the Government of the Republic of Mali has taken the 10 following measures until further notice:
Regarding travelers:
- All travelers who arrive in Mali will be submitted, at the entry on the territory (air and land), to a systematic temperature measurement, and the hotline is as follows: 36061;
- Travelers with minor symptoms, arriving with fever (temperature above 37.5 degrees C°) from countries severely affected by COVID-19 (with more than 500 cases), will be subjected to self-isolation for 14 days, and will receive daily monitoring by a medical team;
- Travelers with major symptoms, arriving with fever (temperature above 37.5 degrees C°) and other respiratory signs and symptoms from countries severely affected by COVID-19 (with more than 500 cases) will be transported to an isolation site to be tested;
Regarding individual and collective measures:
- Minimize unnecessary large gatherings;
- Suspend the participation of Malian Executives in major meetings or fora in highly affected countries;
- Suspend the holding of major gatherings in Mali (conferences, seminars, symposiums, festivals, etc.) until further notice;
- Strengthen individual and collective hygiene measures (hand washing with soap, use of hydroalcoholic gel in front of all public services and places of worship);
- Avoid shaking hands and hugging anywhere and under any circumstances.
Regarding case management:
- People tested positive for COVID-19 will be taken care of in the sites selected by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs;
- Given the presence of a large number of foreign forces, close coordination is essential with Embassies, MINUSMA (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali), Operation Barkhane, the European Union Training Mission, and International Organizations, for prevention and case management.
The Government of the Republic of Mali does not recommend closing the borders with the countries affected by COVID-19. On the contrary, Mali shows its solidarity with all the countries affected. There are no restrictions on air flights.

- Presidency of the Republic of Mali: (
- Prime Minister’s Office:(
- Ministry of Mining, Energy and Water:(
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and African Integration:(
- Ministry of Agriculture :(
- Ministry of Malians Abroad:(
- Ministry of Handicrafts, Culture, the Hotel Industry and Tourism:(
- Mali Touristic Promotion Agency:(
- API Mali:(
- Chamber of Trade and Industry of Mali:(
- Essor:(
- Embassy of Japan in Bamako:(