Travel Formalities to Mali
-Nationals of Members States of ECOWAS and Nationals of States which are party of a visa exemption Agreement with Mali are exempted from an entry visa, in Mali.
-To enter Mali, travelers of countries that do not have a visa exemption Agreement with Mali, must have a valid passport and secure an entry visa to Mali.
-Entry visa to Mali are delivered to the residents of Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Republic of Korea and Republic of the Philippines, by the Embassador of the Republic of Mali in Tokyo.
-Mandatory vaccinations: Yellow Fever.

- Presidency of the Republic of Mali: (
- Prime Minister’s Office:(
- Ministry of Mining, Energy and Water:(
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and African Integration:(
- Ministry of Agriculture :(
- Ministry of Malians Abroad:(
- Ministry of Handicrafts, Culture, the Hotel Industry and Tourism:(
- Mali Touristic Promotion Agency:(
- API Mali:(
- Chamber of Trade and Industry of Mali:(
- Essor:(
- Embassy of Japan in Bamako:(